Earn points for your team in the categories below! The team at the end of the challenge with the highest score will be our victors!
And, new for this challenge, all members who participate and contribute at least 50 points to their team's total will be rewarded. 1st place: 50 SB 2nd place: 30 SB 3rd place: 15 SB
And, new for this challenge, all members who participate and contribute at least 50 points to their team's total will be rewarded. 1st place: 50 SB 2nd place: 30 SB 3rd place: 15 SB
Each earning activity equates to a different point value:
- SwagButton: Contribute 15 pts to your team everyday that you’re logged into the Swagbucks Extension (SwagButton). Don’t have the SwagButton? Download it now and you’ll never miss out on a valuable SB earning opportunity.
- Search: Search the web and every time you earn SB you’ll contribute 10 pts to your team! Make Swagbucks Search your preferred search engine and you’ll never miss out on a search win.
- Answer: Get rewarded for giving your opinions on surveys and you’ll also contribute 10 pts to your team!
- SBTV Mobile: Download the SBTV mobile apps* and you can earn up to 126 SB a day for watching videos on your phone. You’ll also contribute 5 pts to your team every time you earn. That’s 315 possible pts each day! (*This includes SBTV, EntertaiNOW, Moviecli.ps, Lifesytlz.tv, IndyMusic.tv, and Sport.ly apps.)
- Mobile Special Offers: Download the Swagbucks Mobile App and start earning Swag Bucks for taking part in mobile specific special offers. Every time you earn SB, you’ll contribute 5 pts to your team!
- Encrave: Every time you earn SB interacting with Encrave activities you’ll contribute 5 pts to your team!
- Swag Codes redeemed via SwagButton or Mobile: There are a lot of places where you can redeem a Swag Code, but when you redeem your Swag Codes through the SwagButton or the Swagbucks Mobile App, you’ll contribute 5 pts to your team!
- Swag Codes redeemed via Desktop: Redeem Swag Codes on your desktop and you’ll contribute 1 pt to your team!
- Instagram: While you’re shopping through Swagbucks this holiday season or braving the crowds at the mall, take a picture of an item from one of the stores below (screenshots are allowed), post it on Instagram, hashtag your team name (#snowmenshowmen, #candycanegang, #makingitreindeers), include #holidayshopping, tag the store, and tag @swagbucksofficial.
- Things Remembered (@thingsremembered)
- Sears (@sears)
- Gymboree (@gymboree)
- Dillards (@dillardsstores)
- Walgreens (@walgreens)
- Bed Bath & Beyond (@bedbathandbeyond)
- Toys R Us (@toysrus)
- Walmart (@walmart)
- Everyday by 10am PT/1pm ET we’ll credit each team with points. The team that has the most hashtags from the previous day will receive 30,000 pts, second most will receive 20,000 pts, and third most will receive 10,000 pts.
- PLEASE NOTE: You MUST upload a picture to Instagram (commenting on another image with your team hashtag will not count)
Everyone that participates in this team challenge and contributes AT LEAST 50 POINTS to their team’s total will win bonus Swag Bucks! See below for our updated bonus amounts:
- 1st place: 50 SB
- 2nd place: 30 SB
- 3rd place: 15 SB
And finally, the Top 5 Point Contributors from each team will win bonus Swag Bucks as well: 500, 400, 300, 200and 100 respectively.
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