Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Daily Thrifty Tip for February 26, 2011

#89 Use cereal boxes to make shipping envelopes or boxes to mail packages. Instead of buying those expensive bubble mailers or boxes at the office supply store, simply take an empty cardboard cereal box and make your own. To make an envelope deconstruct the box and turn inside out. Make some creative cutting and use some tape to make your own sturdy envelope! To mail the box as a package, insert contents and wrap with a brown paper bag or brown paper and add your mailing label! This adds a little less packaging to the landfills too!


Tori said...

Great Idea!!

Katie said...

I'm going to try this! Thanks!

Tawnya said...

Awesome! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thanks for all of the thrifty tips. I am here from the hop, wanted to say thank you for stopping by Living at the Whitehead's Zoo. I am already a follower with GFC, FB and twitter. Have a great weekend.