Only bring cash to the grocery store! It is so easy to overspend with debit/credit cards! When you are on a budget, a great tip is to only bring the cash you have allotted to spend to the grocery store with you. Add up what you are spending with a calculator and without that debit/credit card you can't spend more than the cash you have brought in. This will help you to really consider those impulse items!
This is something we need to practice. I've been saying it for years and have yet to put it into practice! I think I'll make this year the year...thanks for reminding me about this tip!
Yes, it is very easy to overspend at the grocery store. I always go in with a shopping list, but end up leaving with at least 5 to 10 items that weren't even on the list.
What a good idea. If I go over, I go over, but I'd be the one putting things back like an overspending loser if I took cash. Hmm, I'm going to try this on Thursday. xx
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