Friday, January 14, 2011

My Daily Thrifty Tip for January 14, 2011

#46 Save plastic food containers. I save plastic food containers that butter, sour cream, and cottage cheese come in, and ice cream tubs, etc. These can be used for all kinds of things! I use the big ice cream tubs to store different kinds of toys, like blocks, army men, play-doh accessories, etc. You can store leftovers in the butter containers and they can even be used in the freezer! I will also send my sister-in-law home with leftovers in a butter or sour cream container. This way I don't have to worry about getting my expensive Rubbermaid containers back. If she throws them away it's perfectly fine! This also helps out the environment!


Unknown said...

Love this post :)
I already do this for left overs.. shocker I never thought about the other stuff you mentioned, nor did I know that they can go in the freezer.
Thanks for sharing
Hope you have a blessed day!

Ami Allison said... 90% of all my plastic containers are these!!! :)