Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Daily Thrifty Tip for December 5, 2010

#6 Save paint by freezing your paint roller. This is a time saving tip as well as a thrifty one... When I am painting a room in my house, I never get it totally finished in one day! Kids have a factor in this I am sure! I always hated cleaning out the paint brushes and paint rollers when I know I am going to need to get them out again tomorrow or in a couple of days, when time allows. Also there is a ton of paint left in that paint roller when you rinse it off! I learned this trick somewhere... stick your paint roller in a plastic ziploc bag with the cover on it of course. If you are going to get back to it the next day then you should be fine, but if you can't get back to it until the following weekend, just stick it in the freezer. Thaw it before use and you are good to go! No endless cleaning (until you are really done painting) and you saved some paint! This works with paint brushes too! I wish I would have learned this trick years ago!


Kim said...

Interesting trick. Not sure I want to put paint in my freezer, but I learned another trick from my brother who paints. He wraps the the roller in a plastic bag and then put a trash bag around tray. We've had the paint stay wet for week.

Stacey said...

I've been using this trick for a while and it's so convenient. I seem to always be painting or repainting a wall:-). Now following you too.

Aimee @ Explore, Learn, Have Fun! said...

Love that tip, thanks!! I appreciarte you following my blog. Came by to follow back, but guess what?! I already follow you! : )

Hope your week is great!

Aimee @ justkiddingaroundatlanta

B said...

Holy shnickies what a great tip! I recently painted our basement and could have used it then! I went through about 4 rollers cause they kept drying out. Thanks for the tip!

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