Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Daily Thrifty Tip for December 12, 2010

#13 Share a newspaper or magazine subscription with a friend. My sister and I are both moms and share the same interests. She luckily lives right up the street from me and we are together very frequently! It makes sense for us to share our magazines and newspapers with one another. For instance, I subscribe to the local newspaper and I save it for her when I am finished. She subscribes to a couple of parenting magazines I like, so she saves them for me to read when she is finished. This probably wouldn't work with the Sunday paper or All You magazine because of the coupons. However, we do trade coupons that we aren't going to use! This is a win win situation for us! Do you have a friend that you can share subscriptions with?


Amy said...

You are absolutely right! In my apartment, my roommates and I will pick up a magazine or paper here and there, and we'll toss it into our community reading basket. It's definitely a cheap, easy way to get more informed!

You have such a beautiful blog--and so informative! I'll be following you. :)

Miss Reviewer said...

Hi Shanee,
Thanks for following my blog. I am now following yours, and I must say you have some great tips! I look forward to reading many more posts!

BrettBMartin said...

Thanks for guest hosting MFM! I'm already GFC following