Wednesday, December 7, 2016

$20 a Week For Building My Stockpile!

I have been really struggling financially since my divorce.  I always watch that Extreme Couponing show on TLC and wish I could do that!  In reality it is just too hard for me right now.  Being a single working mom of three leaves me with very little time.  However, I decided to start on my stockpile slowly, by matching coupons with sales and money savings apps.  My plan is to budget $20 a week to devote to my stockpile.  Today I did my first trip to Walgreens and while it isn't a massive haul, I am proud!  After sales, coupons, and using Checkout 51, I spent $18.83.

Here is the breakdown of what I bought and what coupons I used:

*Scott Select-a-Size Paper Towels 6 rolls - Regular Price: $6.29, Balance Rewards Savings: $1.80, In-Store Coupon - $1.00 off  Final Price: $3.49

*Cottonelle Clean Care 12 pack: Regular Price: $6.29, Balance Rewards Savings: $1.80, In-Store Coupon - $1.00 off, $1,00 coupon from Final Price: $2.49

*2 Glade Candles 2/$6.00, Received a $2 Register Reward, which I used in the second transaction, I also used a $1/2 coupon from I also redeemed this for a Checkout 51 rebate and saved $0.75 Final Price: $2.25/2.

*6 Assorted Packages of Reclosable Bags (sandwich, quart and gallon)  Regular Price: $13.50  I used the in-ad coupon and received all 6 for $5.94

*Purex Laundry Detergent 50 oz. Regular Price: $4.99, $1.99 sale price for Balance Rewards Members.  (No coupons used)

*Ajax Dish Liquid: On sale of $0.89, (No coupons used)

Total Savings: $23.29!  55% Savings

Hopefully I can do even better next week!

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