I have a couple of little nature lovers! They love to be outside and explore in our back yard! They ask me all sorts of questions that I sometimes don't have the answers to. Well
Waterford Press is helping my children and I understand more things in nature with the three Pocket Naturalist Guides that I received to review:
Animal Tracks,
The Night Sky, and
Bugs & Slugs.
Animal Tracks is a wonderful guide to many of the animal tracks you will find in North America. My kids and I recently went on a walk in the forest and found some deer tracks. With this Pocket Naturalist Guide we could measure them (The last page has a ruler) and make sure that what we found was actually a deer track. We concluded that what we had actually found was the track of a White-tailed Deer! This is a really great guide for animal and nature lovers alike! My family and I loved comparing the
Animal Tracks Pocket Naturalist Guide to the actual animal signs that we found.

Bella and Sam have always been facinated with the stars! We all love to sit on our porch on warm nights and look up at the stars! Bella has been learning about planets and constellations in school and I thought
The Night Sky Pocket Naturalist Guide would be perfect for her and I was right! The coolest thing about this guide is that the star charts glow in the dark! How perfect! Now we can look up at the stars and find the constellations on our glow-in-the-dark guide! This guide contains two different star charts: one for the night sky in the summer and one for the night sky in the winter.

Finally I received the Pocket Naturalist Guide:
Bugs & Slugs. Sam just loves to pick up bugs! Bella on the other hand is a bit squeamish (as am I). We all love butterflies though! This guide highlights over 140 familiar species of insects, spiders and invertebrates. Now that we have this guide, the kids have been looking around our back yard for different bugs to see if any match the insects on their Pocket Naturalist Guide! It is so fun to see them learn about different bugs, animals and even the constellations! These Pocket Naturalist Guides from
Waterford Press are a wonderful resource for adults and children! I would highly recommend them!!!
BUY IT:You can purchase Waterford Press' Pocket Naturalist Guides on
Amazon for $5.95 each!
WIN IT:Thanks to
Waterford Press, one lucky Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy reader will the 3 Pocket Naturalist Guides I mentioned above:
Animal Tracks,
The Night Sky, and
Bugs & Slugs! (
US Residents Only)
You MUST be a follower of Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy via Google Friend Connect (located at the right) for your entry to count. And you MUST include your email address with each entry.
Mandatory Entry:Follow Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy via Google Friend Connect.
AND Tell me who you'd love to win this for. (both combined = 1 entry)
That's all you have to do! But, if you'd like to receive extra entries you can:- Like Waterford Press on Facebook here. (1 entry)
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This giveaway ends October 27, 2011 at 11:59 pm. Good luck!
* Lucky winner or winners will be selected through True Random Number Generator.* If your profile page does not show your email address, please include your email address in your comment. For example: adventuresofathriftymommy@gmail.com -- so that I may get in touch with you if you are selected as the giveaway winner. * Each giveaway winner has 48 hours to respond to my email about getting the awesome giveaway prize to him/her. If the winner does not reply to my email within 48 hours, I will choose another winner using the True Random Number Generator. * I do contact each winner via email
Disclosure: I received the products mentioned above for this review. No monetary compensation was received by me. This is my completely honest opinion above and may differ from yours. Because I do not directly ship most giveaways from my home, I cannot be held liable for lost or not received products.
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Thanks for the giveaway...would like these guides for a nephew who loves exploring the outdoors !
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