Here is the perfect way to get your child ready for starting school. Young learners will enjoy all of the kindergarten readiness activities, including learning to count objects by color, shape, or a combination of both. Even gifted children will be challenged by advanced colors (maroon, turquoise) and shapes (polygons, ellipses). Available in audio CD & book or DVD version.
Ages 3–5. Approx. 46 minutes.
More about Rock 'N Learn:
Rock 'N Learn began as an idea that would help children learn by putting educational material to music with a current sound -- the kind of music that kids enjoy and find motivating. Now with over 50 products, we have sold millions of audio/book and video programs to teachers and parents throughout the United States, Canada, and other countries.
Rock 'N Learn programs help students learn math, phonics, reading, early childhood, social studies, Spanish, test-taking strategies, writing, and science. Our DVDs incorporate music with exciting, colorful imagery.
Headquartered in Conroe, Texas, just north of Houston, Rock 'N Learn is owned and operated by its founders, Richard and Brad Caudle.
Working as a school psychologist in 1986, Richard saw the need for multi-sensory learning programs using the styles of music that kids love. He consulted his younger brother Brad, an accomplished musician, to record their first program to help kids learn multiplication facts. Strong sales of this recording in the school specialty and book markets led to other programs and the start of a successful company.
Richard and Brad never varied from their number one goal of providing children with programs that would make learning easier and fun. Brad's wife Melissa, a former second-grade teacher, writes material and coordinates educational research for Rock 'N Learn. Richard's wife, Kathie, manages our sales and marketing team.
Rock 'N Learn programs have received numerous awards such as Dr. Toy, Parents' Choice, iParenting, National Parenting Publications, Learning Magazine Teachers' Choice, Early Childhood News, National Parenting Center, and Parent's Guide to Children's Media. Our programs lead in the areas of quality and customer satisfaction based on surveys of school supply stores.
As documented in case studies by numerous school districts, Rock 'N Learn programs work. The overwhelmingly positive response from parents, teachers, and kids generates tremendous word-of-mouth support. By consulting with educators and featuring talented vocalists and performers, Rock 'N Learn will continue to develop quality audio and video programs that hold interest and help kids learn.
Rock 'N Learn also has some FREE websites to help your children learn!
You can purchase your Rock 'N Learn CD's and DVD's here! Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy readers will receive 25% off of their entire purchase with the code: JQ7711 at checkout!
Thanks to Rock 'N Learn, one lucky Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy reader will win a Rock 'N Learn CD or DVD of their choice! (US Residents Only)
You MUST be a follower of Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy via Google Friend Connect (located at the right) for your entry to count. And you MUST include your email address with each entry.
Mandatory Entry:
Follow Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy via Google Friend Connect. AND Visit Rock 'N Learn and comment on another DVD or CD you'd love to have! (both combined = 1 entry)
That's all you have to do! But, if you'd like to receive extra entries you can:
- Like Rock 'N Learn on Facebook here. (1 entry)
- Write on their Facebook Wall that Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy sent you! (1 entry)
- Sign up for the Rock 'N Learn E-newsletter. (Found in the middle of the page on the left hand side) (1 entry)
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- Follow Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy on Twitter here. (1 entry)
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This giveaway ends November 6, 2011 at 11:59 pm. Good luck!
* Lucky winner or winners will be selected through True Random Number Generator.* If your profile page does not show your email address, please include your email address in your comment. For example: adventuresofathriftymommy@gmail.com -- so that I may get in touch with you if you are selected as the giveaway winner. * Each giveaway winner has 48 hours to respond to my email about getting the awesome giveaway prize to him/her. If the winner does not reply to my email within 48 hours, I will choose another winner using the True Random Number Generator. * I do contact each winner via email
Disclosure: I received the products mentioned above for this review. No monetary compensation was received by me. This is my completely honest opinion above and may differ from yours. Because I do not directly ship most giveaways from my home, I cannot be held liable for lost or not received products.
GFC follower and I would like the Sight Words DVD to help with teaching one of my kids to read, and for review for another child.
leigh4thewin at gmail dot com
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gfc and states and Capitals
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Entered send a frisbee
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Entered Barney Christmas dvd
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Entered Exergen Temporal
Gladys P
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Entered five finger tee's
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Follow GFC and would love to win the Nursery Rhymes DVD! candaceflamm@yahoo.com
GFC follower and I'd like to get the letter sounds dvd
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
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GFC follow
I like the telling time dvd
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I follow you on GFC, subscribe to your email and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this for my son! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
GFC follower (coliebear) and I like the letter sounds DVD.
follow you via GFC, I would like the Multiplication Rap dvd
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GFC Follower-kport207 and I'd pick Sight Words DVD.
kport207 at gmail dot com
Follow Rock N Learn on twitter as jt2ofusanddeals
kport207 at gmail dot com
I follow you on gfc and i like the sight words dvd
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I am a public follower of yours on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)and Idd like to try the Telling Time Video
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gfc LisaMarie spanish
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GFC follower and I would like the Sight Words DVD giveawayhound at gmail dot com
GFC follower and I would like the Earth Science DVD. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I like Rock N Learn on facebook. cwitherstine at zoominernet dot net
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networked blogs follower cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Gyro Bowl giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Monte Carlo giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Dingarings giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Bottlehood giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Spookley giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Stiltsville giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Cool Lunch Bags giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Cooper and Me giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the UR Some 1 giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Earthbound Farms giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Winnie the Pooh giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the JW Pet giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Howard B. Wigglebottom giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Tropical Traditions giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Natural House giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Nachomamatees giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Cardboard Girl giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Crinkled Nose giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the My Own Story giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Spooky Buddies giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Bottoms Up 4 Kids giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Young Justice giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Ozeri Glasses giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the CatDog giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Love and Capital giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Christmas Lodge giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Snow Days giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
GFC Follower as ACMommy3, and we'd like to get the Human Body or Life Science DVD. creedamy[at] yahoo[dot]com
entered Young Justice DVD! creedamy[at] yahoo[dot]com
entered Tom and Jerry DVD! creedamy[at] yahoo[dot]com
entered Cool lunch bags! creedamy[at] yahoo[dot]com
entered Earthbound! creedamy[at] yahoo[dot]com
entered Wigglebottom books! creedamy[at] yahoo[dot]com
entered Nachomamatees! creedamy[at] yahoo[dot]com
entered Crinklenose cards! creedamy[at] yahoo[dot]com
Entered BottleHood
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Entered Swaddle Designs
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
I entered swaddle designs
Follow via GFC: JennS
I would also love the Multiplication Rap DVD.
I like Rock 'N Learn on facebook.
Already signed up for the Rock N Learn newsletter.
Following Rock N Learn on twitter: jashelep
Follow you on twitter; jashelep
i follow via gfc and love the nursery rhymes one!
coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
i like rock n learn on fb - coley r
coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
i follow rock n learn on twitter- coleycoupons
coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
i follow you on twitter - coleycoupons
coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
GFC swedenesefamily
"Dance with the Animals" looks fun.
swedenesefamily at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC and would love sight words
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I wrote on their wall you sent me
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GFC Follower and I would like Life Sciences
I follow on GFC and would love to have the states and capitals rap dvd
I like rock 'n learn on fb
I wrote on Rock 'n learn's fb page
I follow rock 'n learn on twitter @hrddiana
I follow via GFC, and I would like the Sight Words DVD.
Tara H
minkynopants at hotmail dot com
I like Rock N Learn on FB.
Tara H
minkynopants at hotmail dot com
I like you on FB.
Tara H
minkynopants at hotmail dot com
I entered the Young Justice Giveaway.
Tara H
minkynopants at hotmail dot com
I entered the Bottoms Up 4 Kids Giveaway.
Tara H
minkynopants at hotmail dot com
I entered the My Own Story giveaway.
Tara H
minkynopants at hotmail dot com
GFC follower and I would like the Rock and Learn Addition & Subtraction Country CD.
google friend klp1965
i like Getting Ready for Kindergarten
like you on facebook kathy l pease
follow you on twitter klp1965
entered Young Justice Season 1 Volume 2 Review and Giveaway!
entered Ozeri Serafino Double-Wall Thermo Glasses Review and Giveaway! (5 Winners!)
I follow your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect as ReggieMann
I would love to have the Sight Words DVD
ReggieM1961 at gmail dot com
I Like Rock 'N Learn on Facebook
(Facebook name: Reggie Mann)
ReggieM1961 at gmail dot com
I like Multiplication Rap and I am following your blog. Thank you
I follow ATM on GFC and I would like Alphabet Exercise (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
I follow ATM on Facebook(Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
I follow ATM on Networked Blogs (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
I follow ATM on Twitter (coreyTX) (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
I follow Rock'N Learn on Twitter (coreyTX) (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
I follow Rock'N Learn on Facebook (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
I subscribe tp Rock'N Learn's newsletter (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
I entered OYBE: Ozeri Double Wall Glasses contest (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
I tweeted at: http://twitter.com/#!/coreyTX/status/133402137286819841 (Corey Olomon)(olomon@hotmail.com)
I follow on GFC. I would like the Reading Comprehension.
I Like Rock 'N Learn on Facebook(Donna Kozar)
I Like you on Facebook(Donna Kozar)
I follow you on twitter.(donnnak4)donna444444@yahoo.com
GFC follower: Atreau.
I would like the Sight Words DVD.
I follow them on twitter.(donnnak4)donna444444@yahoo.com
I subscribed to their newsletter.
I entered the Young Justice giveaway.
I follow you on Google Friend Connect under the username lilyk. The French CD and Book look very nice!
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