Sans Sucre, means “sugar free” in French. The Sans Sucre baking mix line is our first line of naturally sweetened products,” says Steven Bernard, chief executive officer of Bernard Food Industries.
By using Stevia, an all-natural sweetener, Sans Sucre is able to produce baking mixes that havegreat taste and are naturally sweetened without additional sugar. According to the Mintel Sugar-Free Foods Survey, 24 percent of Americans watch their sugar intake. As this increasing number of people is staying away from processed foods that contain high amounts of sugar, preservatives and artificial ingredients, Sans Sucre is a great option for healthy eaters, diabetics and dieters alike.
Along with being naturally sweetened, the Sans Sucre baking mixes are sugar-free or no sugar added, low fat, no cholesterol, lower in calories and lower in sodium. These nutritional facts appeal to the 90 percent of adults that consume low calorie or reduced fat foods on a regular basis, according to the Calorie Control Council.
The Sans Sucre baking mix line includes: Apple Cinnamon Coffee Cake, Milk Chocolate
Brownie, Classic Blondie Brownie and Chocolate Fudge Brownie. They are available for a
suggested retail price of $3.99 - $4.49.

You can purchase San Sucre Baking Mixes on Amazon!
Thanks to Sans Sucre, one lucky Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy reader will win all four baking mixes to try! (US Residents Only)
You MUST be a follower of Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy via Google Friend Connect (located at the right) for your entry to count. And you MUST include your email address with each entry.
Mandatory Entry:
Follow Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy via Google Friend Connect. AND Leave a comment of which Sans Sucre baking mix you'd like to try the most. (both combined = 1 entry)
That's all you have to do! But, if you'd like to receive extra entries you can:
- Like Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy on Facebook here. (1 entry)
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- Post the Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy button (located at the right) on your blog. (5 entries, leave me a link)
This giveaway ends September 8, 2011 at 11:59 pm. Good luck!
* Lucky winner or winners will be selected through True Random Number Generator.* If your profile page does not show your email address, please include your email address in your comment. For example: adventuresofathriftymommy@gmail.com -- so that I may get in touch with you if you are selected as the giveaway winner. * Each giveaway winner has 48 hours to respond to my email about getting the awesome giveaway prize to him/her. If the winner does not reply to my email within 48 hours, I will choose another winner using the True Random Number Generator. * I do contact each winner via email
Disclosure: I received the products mentioned above for this review. No monetary compensation was received by me. This is my completely honest opinion above and may differ from yours. Because I do not directly ship most giveaways from my home, I cannot be held liable for lost or not received products.
I'd love to try the Classic Blondie mix! & I follow under GFC.
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Chocolate Brownie Mix gfc LisaMarie
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Follow you on GFC and I'd love to try their Blondie mix - I've never made them but am craving them now!
username: Diana R.
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I Follow Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy via Google Friend Connect - pinklady705
AND the Sans Sucre baking mix I'd like to try the most is the Milk Chocolate Brownie mix.
2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com
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GFC Follower
Chocolate Brownies sound Great
Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com
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The one I would like to try the most is the Milk Chocolate Brownie mix first!
wendym at cableone dot net
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Would love to try the classic ..Milk Chocolate.
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Apple cinnamon coffee cake!!
I follow your blog publicly via Google Friend Connect as shala_darkstone. I'd like to try the Chocolate Fudge.
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I'm a GFC follower and I'd have to try the milk chocolate brownies! yummmm!!
tara.the.equestrian at gmail dot com
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Sans Sucre Chocolate Fudge Brownie Mix
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I'd most like to try the Chocolate Fudge Brownie!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
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allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Follow on gfc and would love to try the chocolate fudge!
Sabrina.Vaccaro at hotmail dot com
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I follow via gfc as Kristi S and I would love to try the Chocolate Fudge mix!
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Sabrina.Vaccaro at hotmail dot com
I follow with GFC. I'd like to try the Classic Fudge Brownie Mix.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I tweeted. Thank you!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
GFC follower and I would like to try the Milk Chocolate Brownies the most. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
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GFC follower and I'd like to try the Classic Blondie Mix.
1prizewinner at gmail dot com
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I follow on GFC and would like to try the chocolate fudge
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The Apple Cinnamon Coffee Cake sounds delicious!
gfc sarah_roxy_21@yahoo.com
milk chocolate brownie
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sara hinhart
I follow via GFC as Dana Matthews. Chocolate Brownie Mix sounds yummy! dmatthews38751@yahoo.com
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I tweeted this giveaway...danadenay..dmatthews38751@yahoo.com Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy: Sans Sucre Baking Mixes - Sugar Free/No Sugar Add... http://adventuresofathriftymommy.blogspot.com/2011/08/sans-sucre-baking-mixes-sugar-free-or.html?spref=tw
I entered your Thomas and Friends giveaway also. dmatthews38751@yahoo.com
The Chocolate fudge brownie mix sounds amazing! I'm also a GFC follower!
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networked blog follower!
follow you on twitter: becca9916
entered Green Babies giveaway!
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I follow you on GFC. I would like the milk chocolate mix.
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I entered the toweligator giveaway.
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I entered the Angelina Ballerina giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I entered the Babar giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
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