Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Daily Thrifty Tip for April 14, 2011

#136 Make your own liquid soap. Here's a great use for those little slivers of leftover bars of soap and those small bars of hotel soap... You will need your kitchen grater and an empty liquid soap bottle with pump.


1. Grate soap into flakes
2. Combine 1 cup soap flakes, 2 cups boiling water and 1 tbsp. honey or corn syrup.
3. Let mixture soak until soap has absorbed all the water (it will be very runny at first).
4. Place in blender and mix until smooth (adding more water if necessary).
5. Add food coloring or essential oils for fragrance if desired.
6. Pour into a hand pump soap dispenser.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Great Idea! I have never thought to make my own soap...