Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Daily Thrifty Tip for February 22, 2011

#85 Use egg cartons to start seedlings for your garden. It's almost time to start planting your garden! A great use for those empty egg cartons is to start your seedlings indoors. You should use the cardboard egg cartons not the styrofoam ones... To do this simply cut off the top of the carton and add potting soil to each cup. Plant a seedling and then place the egg cartons onto a cookie sheet filled with water. When you are ready to add them to your garden just cut the cups apart and then you can plant the seedling with the cup. The egg cartons will dissolve just like the biodegradable pots you can buy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea, even the kids can get in on the fun like maybe planting pepermint plants....I'm thinking, smiles. Hello! I'm late linking up and joining the blog hop - but I made it and I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll come visit and follow me too. I'm just getting started and I'd like for us to be blogging friends. Thanks for co-hosting this blog hop and Happy Tuesday!
