Happy New Year!!!!
A great resolution for 2011 is to save more money for _______! You fill in the blank. Having a goal helps you stick to being a Thrifty Mommy! Now onto my first Thrifty Tip of 2011...

#33 Don't assume items on store endcaps are on sale! Endcaps are the displays at the end of the aisle where the shelves meet. Marketers have researched consumer buying habits and frequently capitalize on them! Endcaps are prime real estate in the grocery store! We need shop in the middle of the aisles where we can compare prices to other products. Frequently the endcap items are sale items, but don't accept them as such until you look a little further.
#33 Don't assume items on store endcaps are on sale! Endcaps are the displays at the end of the aisle where the shelves meet. Marketers have researched consumer buying habits and frequently capitalize on them! Endcaps are prime real estate in the grocery store! We need shop in the middle of the aisles where we can compare prices to other products. Frequently the endcap items are sale items, but don't accept them as such until you look a little further.
Thanks for linking up at my Sunday blog hop! Happy New Year!
I suppose I would save money to that I could pay off my debt and not have the burden of it hanging like a dark cloud above my head! Thanks for following me at Confessions of an Ordinary Woman. Following your back!
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